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Resilience in times of Covid-19

Covid-19 and psychological stress resistance

In times when we are constantly exposed to higher levels of stress, such as the Covid-19 pandemic, it is important and wise to look after our psychological health and resilience.

By doing so, I’m not only preventing myself from falling into anxiety and depression, but I am also protecting my immune system from diseases. As we all know stress makes you sick. Or better said, stress leads to diseases by debilitating our immune system.

What can I do?
I can keep a positive mindset (positive mood) by consciously creating small joys in everyday life, like spending time in nature and exercising, but also by influencing my neurohormonal system and supporting it to better withstand psychological stress.

What I actually mean:
I provide my body with these biochemical additives, which are crucial for a seamless functioning of my neurohormonal regulating system and which are necessary for my mental health. I can do this easily at no great expense and without any risks involved by consuming high quality supplements from the orthomolecular medicine, such as natural serotonin (NN HTP5) from griffonia, and specific vitamins with calming effect, trace elements and micronutrients (NN NADH+, NN Neurovital). It is also highly recommendable to additionally strengthen the function of the adrenal cortex (NN ADS, NN Brain, NN Feelwell) as central stress-steering organ.

The supplements mentioned are not considered drugs: in case you are suffering anxiety or you feel you have lost your will to live, I strongly recommend contacting your general practitioner.  

Elisabeth Tsapekis, psychotherapist, mental trainer 



To strengthen your psyche Nikolaus Nature recommends:

griffonia; htp5                Griffonia-Samen, htp5

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