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Boost your lungs with Lingzhi and black cumin

The lung and its microbiome

Our bodies harbor different microbiomes, e.g., in our intestine, in the mouth, nose and throat area or in the lung. The composition of the microbiota depends on each of our organs. Sometimes they consist of bacteria settlements and sometimes they consist of a combination of fungi, bacteria and single-cell organisms.

The microbiome in our lungs consists of bacteria which play even a greater role than assumed until now. This is because their composition might be one of the decisive factors that determines how severe lung diseases will develop1. “Friendly” bacteria help the lung to combat “hostile“ bacteria.

Two “hostile“ bacteria strains are Lachnospiraceae and Entereobacteriacae spp. Both of these bacteria should only be present in our intestine; however, they sometimes get to the lung when we breath due to weakened mucous membranes and a mouth microbiome. Patients with these two bacteria types in the lungs were more likely to suffer from Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)2. A healthy lung has a low but diverse microbial density whereas in the case of a diseased it is exactly the other way around.

The lungs are significantly burdened due to the wrong composition of their microbiomes.


Lingzhi & black cumin

Elements from nature that can help us

Two elements from nature that support the lung and helps prevent infections are Lingzhi or Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) and black cumin (Nigella sativa).

Lingzhi or Reishi is a fungus from Asia that has been used in the Traditional Chinese Medicine over centuries. It has antimicrobial and antitumoral properties and it supports our body to activate the immune system in case of respiratory diseases.

According to the most recent findings Reishi powder has been shown to be an effective preventive measure. It stimulates the immune system by activating the lymphocytes, the white blood cells and the immune cells of the body. A fast antibody reaction in form of IgG antibodies could also be observed5.

Black cumin is particularly popular among neurodermitis patients. It calming effect on skin, but is also beneficial for the intestine because it feeds the right bacterial strains. According to recent findings black cumin is also beneficial for the lung. It modulates the immune system and the substances in its nourishing oil have a positive effect on the microbiome.

Immune modulation is particularly important in case of infection since the so-called “Cytokine storm“, takes place as a consequence of overshooting immune responses. Thymoquinon, Nigellidin and alpha-Hederin, are contained in black cumin oil and they have been shown to have immune modulating and lung function supporting properties in case of viral infections. With Lingzhi and black cumin oil capsules you are best prepared to strengthen your intestine and boost your immune system.


Dr. Reinhard Pichler – www.reinhardpichler.at


  1. Dickson, R. P. et al.: Lung microbiota predict clinical outcomes in critically ill patients, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, January2020 
  2. American Thoracic Society: Lung Microbiome May Help Predict Outcomes in Critically Ill Patients, Meldung vom 24. January 2020 
  3. Ramírez-Labrada et al.: The Influence of Lung Microbiota on Lung Carcinogenesis, Immunity, and Immunotherapy, Trends Cancer, 6 (2) (2020), pp. 86-97
  4. Khatiwadaa & Subedic: Lung microbiome and coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19): Possible link and implications, Hum Microb J., August
  5. Al-jumaili, M.M. O. et al.: The Role of Ganoderma lucidum Uptake on Some Hematological and Immunological Response in Patients with Coronavirus (COVID-19), Systematic Reviews in Pharamcy, Vol 11, Aug-Sep 2020
  6. Fakhar-e-AlamKulyar, M. et al.: Potential influence of Nagella sativa (Black cumin) in reinforcing immune system: A hope to decelerate the COVID-19 pandemic, Phytomedicine, Juli 2020



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Schwarzkümmelöl Ling-Zhi

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