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Zinc is a trace element that plays a role in various physiological processes.

Zinc is a trace element that plays a role in various physiological processes.

One of the best-known roles of zinc is its role keeping the immune system strong.  Combined with vitamin D and vitamin C supports our body during coldsand in combination with selenium it supports the T cell related immune response.2 T cells are a central point in our immune system. Without them, many bacteria and viruses cannot be fought. T cells recognize diseased cells in specific receptors. If this happens, the cells secrete substances that attract other immune cells, which them combat the diseased cells. Some T cells directly become “cell annihilators”.  Different types are formed depending on the needs of our body.

Zinc is also a cofactor for many enzymes. Enzymes are proteins in the body that enable chemical reactions which wouldn’t occur without them. Enzymes are vital for us. The intestines also benefit from zinc since also here it supports the immune system and ensures a healthy mucous membrane. Especially for people with Crohn’s disease (a disease of the intestine that causes the mucous membrane to become ulcerated) or Leaky-Gut-Syndrome (where the mucous membrane of the intestine becomes permeable), zinc is an important trace element.  

But it is not only indispensable for the body – it can also have a supportive effect on depression, especially in combination with conventional treatment.  It normalizes the glutamic acid metabolism in the body.4 Glutamic acid is one of the most important stimulating neurotransmitters in our body and it has been showed that people suffering from depression or fatigue often have a deficiency of this acid. However, it is important to take zinc properly. It should be taken separately from other minerals and preferably in the evening before bedtime. It can sometimes cause nausea and this side effect is reduced in the evenings. In case of severe nausea, it makes sense to take zinc half an hour before meals.  

Zinc preparations can be found in different forms. Zinc citrate is a very popular form, because it is easily absorbed. However, people suffering from histamine intolerance should be cautious with this combination since citrate may release histamine and cause discomfort. Zinc chelates, are better tolerated and there is less risk of nausea. In this case, the zinc atom is embedded in two amino acids (component of proteins) without attacking the stomach acids which allows them to reach the intestines.  

All these compounds are found in our NN Zink preparations.

Zinc is very versatile and can be very helpful in difficult life situations.

Dr. Reinhard Pichler – www.reinhardpichler.at


  1. Gröber, Uwe; Atemwegsinfektionen und Mikronährstoffe, 2013, Haug Verlag in MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
  2. Muss, Claus; Immunologische Störungen des T-Zell-assoziierten Immunsystems durch Mangel an essentiellen Spurenelementen Selen, Zink und Kupfer, 2002, Karl F. Haug Verlag, in: MVS Medizinverlage Stuttgart GmbH & Co. KG
  3. Schubert, Claudia et al; Der Einfluss des Spurenelements Zink auf das Immunsystem,
    2015, Journal of Laboratory Medicine | Band 39: Heft 3
  4. Wang, Jessica et al; Zinc, Magnesium, Selenium and Depression: A Review of the Evidence, Potential Mechanisms and Implications, 2018, Nutrients


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