Vitamin B12 and its importance for the body
Vitamin B12 is a crucial member of the B vitamin family and plays numerous roles in the human body. A sustained deficiency can compromise long-term health. This blog post addresses the best ways to absorb vitamin B12, the signs of deficiency, and dispels the misconception that only vegans suffer from B12 deficiency.
Biochemical insight into vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is a water-soluble essential nutrient vital for human health. It acts as a coenzyme, facilitating a wide range of bodily functions. Among the B vitamins that need regular dietary intake, vitamin B12 deficiency is the most prevalent.
How vitamin B12 enters the diet
There is a common belief that vitamin B12 is solely derived from animal products. However, it is primarily synthesized by microorganisms, particularly bacteria. Herbivorous animals obtain B12 from their diet, storing it in muscle tissue, which then transfers to carnivorous animals. Cows have the unique ability to produce B12 in their intestines, provided they consume sufficient cobalt. Fish acquire B12 from plankton or produce it in their gut flora. In conventional animal farming, B12 is supplemented in feed due to limited natural exposure to soil.
Sources of B12: animal vs. plant-based
Vitamin B12 is predominantly found in animal-derived foods. Liver is the richest source, followed by fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products. It withstands heat well during cooking. Plant-based foods do not naturally contain B12 in a form readily absorbed by humans; they contain B12 analogs. Exceptions include sauerkraut and shiitake mushrooms, though their B12 content varies and is inadequate for dietary needs. Chlorella algae is a potential B12 source for vegetarians and vegans but is insufficient as a sole source due to its low B12 content.
Enriched foods for vegetarians and vegans
Certain foods enriched with B12 are available for vegetarians and vegans. Vitamin B12 toothpastes also exist, though individual dietary requirements should be discussed with a healthcare provider.
Vitamin B12's roles in the body
Only about 20% of the body's B12 exists in its active form, holo-transcobalamin. This coenzyme is crucial for cell division, energy metabolism, immune function, and maintaining healthy homocysteine levels. B12 also supports nerve and psychological health by aiding nerve sheath regeneration.
Critical nutrient for vegetarians and vegans
Since B12 is primarily found in animal products, vegetarians and vegans must monitor their B12 levels closely. While vegetarians can obtain B12 from eggs and dairy, vegans should supplement their diet with B12.
Risk factors for B12 deficiency
Although vitamin B12 is exclusively found in animal products, vegetarians and vegans are by no means the only people prone to developing a vitamin B12 deficiency. The following factors can equally favor the risk of deficiency:
Excessive alcohol consumption: If the liver is damaged by alcohol, it can much less effectively utilize the vitamins ingested. People with unhealthy alcohol consumption tend to eat unilaterally and therefore nutrient-poor, which makes deficiency likely.
Lack of intrinsic factor protein: Vitamin B12 can only be utilized in the body if there is enough intrinsic factor protein produced by the stomach lining.
Increasing age: As people age, the intestines and metabolic functions become slower. If the intestines inadequately perform their functions, nutrients like vitamin B12 cannot be properly absorbed.
Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases: Crohn's disease or celiac disease can also be the cause of a deficiency in vitamin B12 — even if it is sufficiently consumed through diet.
Medication intake: Certain medications such as gastric acid blockers or the drug metformin for type II diabetes can also cause a deficiency in vitamin B12, as both are strong vitamin B12 depleters.
Symptoms of B12 deficiency
B12 deficiency develops gradually, often showing up as anemia or neuropsychiatric disorders. Symptoms include pallor, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, changes in skin and mucous membranes, tingling sensations, dizziness, depression, forgetfulness, and lack of drive. Neurological symptoms can be severe and irreversible if the deficiency persists.
Daily B12 requirements
The recommended daily intake of B12 for adults is 4 µg, slightly higher for pregnant and breastfeeding women (4.5 µg and 5.5 µg, respectively). Monitoring B12 levels is crucial during pregnancy and breastfeeding to prevent complications in both the mother and child.
Normal and deficient B12 levels
Blood tests are used to diagnose B12 deficiency, with holo-transcobalamin (HoloCT) indicating active B12 levels. High doses of B12 are generally safe, as excess is excreted through the kidneys.
Choosing the right B12 supplement
Various B12 supplements are available, including tablets, capsules, or drops containing bioavailable forms like methylcobalamin or hydroxycobalamin. Combining B12 with folic acid enhances their synergistic effects.
Folic acid: A vital companion to B12
Folic acid often accompanies B12 in supplements, aiding in metabolism, blood formation, and psychological function. B12 is necessary for converting folic acid into its active form, folate.
Vitamin B12 is essential for overall health, and its deficiency affects not just vegetarians and vegans. Strict vegans should consider B12 supplementation, and pregnant or breastfeeding women should consult healthcare providers due to increased nutritional needs. Many factors can influence B12 absorption and utilization, necessitating proactive dietary management.
product recommendations :
NN Intestinal
The gut is considered the center of our health – if the gut is not well, our well-being is significantly impaired. This subsequently affects our mood as well. The NN Gut Capsules with valuable probiotics support a comfortable gut feeling, a balanced intestinal flora, as well as the immune system and vitality.
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NN NeuroVital
Brainfood generally refers to foods and dishes that provide the human brain with the optimum combination of nutrients to enable it to function smoothly. The group of B vitamins and antioxidants are particularly important for this. NN NeuroVital contains all B vitamins as well as valuable antioxidants and choline for an ideal supply of nutrients for the brain.
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NN Vitamin B12 pro
Vitamin B12 belongs to the group of B vitamins and is a critical nutrient, especially for vegetarians and vegans, as it is mainly found in animal foods. Anyone who eats a meat-free or completely animal-free diet should therefore supplement vitamin B12 with a supplement such as NN Vitamin B12.
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