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Company details and legal notice

The Internet page shop.nikolaus-nature.com was created and is hosted by

N. Ludwig GmbH
St. Peter Gürtel 4/10
8042 Graz

Telephone: +43 (0) 316 300 102
Fax: +43 (0) 316 300 104
E-mail: office@orthovet.info
Internet: http://shop.nikolaus-nature.com

Bank details Austria:
RAIFFEISENBANK, BIC: RZSTAT2G122, IBAN: AT58 3812 2000 0010 0446

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VR-Bank Passau eG, Bank Code: 74090000, Account Number: 711098

Bank details EU:
IBAN: AT433303400000069799, BIC: RLBBAT2E034

Commercial Register Number: FN 252859 b

VATIN: ATU 611 300 38

CEO: Nikolaus Ludwig

Supervisory authority according to E-Commerce Law / Tax Office: FA Oststeiermark 67, Feldbach

Place of jurisdiction: Fürstenfeld


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Design & technical implementation:
New online shop for N. Ludwig GmbH by web2future.at | webdesign
As an Internet agency specialising in the creation and hosting of websites and online shops, web2future | webdesign is one of the major providers in Western Styria. Search engine optimisation and search engine marketing complement the range of services offered by web2future | webdesign.
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
Online shop by web2future.at shop solutions