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Ein gesundes und starkes Zahnfleisch sowie gesunde Zähne tragen immens zu einer besseren Lebensqualität bei. Die richtige Ernährung ist für die Gesundheit von Zähnen und Zahnfleich mindestens genauso essentiell wie die tägliche Mundhygiene.

NN Vitamin D3 + K2 MK7

Das Sonnenvitamin D3 und seine Funktionen für Immunsystem, Psyche und Knochen sind weitreichend bekannt. Weniger berühmt ist sein idealer Partner: das Vitamin K2. Es sorgt dafür, dass Calcium im Körper dorthin gelangt, wo es gebraucht wird: nämlich in Knochen und Zähnen. Vitamin D3 und K2 sind damit das perfekte Nährstoffduo, wenn es um die Knochengesundheit geht.
€ 22,90

NN Bonepower® Kapseln 120 Stk.

Your organism needs exercise and it’sgood for your mind too. Rely on your body because with NN Bonepower® your bones will standup! A capsule contains all the nutrients your Musculoskeletalsystem needs to be well supplied. Indispensable for all those who practice sports or also to counteract aging processes and degradation.
€ 42,90


Relax your gums in the evening. The digestive process actually begins in the mouth, where chewing our food properly helps with predigestion
€ 38,90

NN Dent® activate

Brace your biting power every morning. A range of different vitamins is essential in maintaining our teeth and gums
€ 49,70

NN Ester C plus Kapseln

Vitamin C has important functions in the body: it contributes to a healthy immune system, helps build up connective tissue, strengthens and protects blood vessels and supports the liver in detoxification. Estered vitamin C is particularly well tolerated. NN Ester C plus contains vitamin C in a delayed form.
€ 39,90

NN Osteo Kapseln

A strong leg to stand on. The formation of bones is based on a mesh of connective tissues, collagen, in which important minerals are stored as nutrients.
€ 45,90

NN Skinrefresher

Such a nice tissue. Collagen is a structural protein that accounts for about 30 percent of the protein content in the human body.
€ 49,50

NN Vitamin B12 pro

Vitamin B12 contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and normal energy-yielding metabolism -VEGAN-
€ 29,50

NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.E. Tropfen

Sun Vitamin D3 fulfills a number of important functions in our body: for example, it contributes to the building up of bone matter and to the immune power. In most cases, however, it is not possible to provide enough food, which is why a supplement to the diet may be useful – especially in the winter months.
€ 22,80

NN Motion® Glucosamin Komplex 90 Kps

Joints and cartilage perform heavy work as shock absorbers for our exercise work and ensure our ability to move. In order for cartilage to fulfil its function and remain elastic, it must be supplied with sufficient nutrients. Especially in old age, however, they may gradually lose this property, which is why supplementing the diet with nutrients may be useful.
€ 54,50

NN Motion® Arthro „Ak“ 120 Kps

Move in a relaxed way, without heated joints. The substance MSM, an organic sulphur compound
€ 39,90

NN Vitamin K Kapseln

Vitamin K is fat-soluble and plays an important role in the formation of blood coagulation factors.
€ 28,60

NN Omega 3 Kapseln

Keeping vessels smooth! The body needs lipids (blood fats) to supply energy.
€ 39,90

NN NeuroVital Kapseln

The water-soluble vitamins of the B group are needed in the human organism for a multitude of biochemical reactions.
€ 23,90

NN Mineralstoff Kapseln

The circulation of minerals! Minerals are inorganic nutrients.
€ 34,40

NN Magnesium Komplex Kapseln

Muscle cramps are a thing of the past! Magnesium both restores power and is the strongest relaxation mineral available.
€ 33,90

NN Vitamin D3 600 I.E. Tropfen

Vitamin D, also known as the “sun hormone”, is a hormone-like vitamin that is found in many major connecting points in the human organism
€ 15,90
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