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for my pet / / IMUN Horse® "Resp"
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IMUN Horse® "Resp"

750 g | pellets
€ 82,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
A weakened immune system in horses can quickly develop into irritated airways and a cough or bronchitis. Respiratory diseases are a common problem in horses that come to the vet. IMUN Horse® "Resp" mobilizes and strengthens healthy airways. The natural ingredients support the respiratory tract, bronchial tubes and mucous membranes.
  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
  • GMO free
€ 82,90    per unit incl. VAT excl. shipping costs
2 - 3 business days delivery time
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  • premium quality
  • harmonizing raw materials (high bioavailability)
  • with natural ingredients
  • GMO free
product description
IMUN Horse® "Resp"
750 g | pellets

Herb and nutrient mix for bronchi and lungs

During the winter months, horses are more susceptible to respiratory tract diseases. Acute discomfort often persists in older animals in the form of heaves. Year-round stable housing and the associated inhalation of hay dust also promote irritation and respiratory tract diseases. Adequate exercise and high-quality feeding are the foundation for strengthening the horse's immune system and supporting lung function. As a supplement, natural nutrients and plant substances can be used, which are ideally tailored to the horse's respiratory organs.

IMUN Horse® "Resp" combines various nutrients and bronchial herbs specifically for horses, thus supporting healthy airways, enabling them to remain robust and resilient throughout the year. IMUN Horse® "Resp" can also be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment to stimulate active mucous membrane regeneration and strengthen the immune system. The use of phytochemicals has proven particularly effective for horses' respiratory systems. Thyme and ribwort plantain, with their contained essential oils, can promote mucolysis without aggressive effects. Fennel possesses mucosa-soothing properties and also has a positive effect on digestion. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential nutrients for the immune system. Black cumin cake contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties.


Dried algae (Spirulina, Schizochytrium sp.), sugar beet molasses pulp, black cumin cake, calcium carbonate, cinnamon bark powder (Cinnamomum verum), flaxseed (ground), thyme, cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), neem extract, fennel, ribwort plantain, evening primrose oil powder (gamma-linolenic acid), magnesium phosphate, natural vitamin B from buckwheat sprout powder, magnesium oxide, vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)

Recommended dosage

weight of the horse approx. 300 kg
  • 10 days ½ measuring cup

  • then 60 days ¼ measuring cup

weight of the horse approx. 650 kg
  • 10 days 1 measuring cup

  • then 20 days ½ measuring cup

Please observe a withdrawal period of 48 hours when administering (acc. to FN-ADMR). Recommendation: Refill the entire contents of the can. Close the can tightly after use.
product description
IMUN Horse® "Resp"
750 g | pellets

Herb and nutrient mix for bronchi and lungs

During the winter months, horses are more susceptible to respiratory tract diseases. Acute discomfort often persists in older animals in the form of heaves. Year-round stable housing and the associated inhalation of hay dust also promote irritation and respiratory tract diseases. Adequate exercise and high-quality feeding are the foundation for strengthening the horse's immune system and supporting lung function. As a supplement, natural nutrients and plant substances can be used, which are ideally tailored to the horse's respiratory organs.

IMUN Horse® "Resp" combines various nutrients and bronchial herbs specifically for horses, thus supporting healthy airways, enabling them to remain robust and resilient throughout the year. IMUN Horse® "Resp" can also be used in conjunction with conventional medical treatment to stimulate active mucous membrane regeneration and strengthen the immune system. The use of phytochemicals has proven particularly effective for horses' respiratory systems. Thyme and ribwort plantain, with their contained essential oils, can promote mucolysis without aggressive effects. Fennel possesses mucosa-soothing properties and also has a positive effect on digestion. Vitamin C and Vitamin E are essential nutrients for the immune system. Black cumin cake contains valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids with anti-inflammatory properties.


Dried algae (Spirulina, Schizochytrium sp.), sugar beet molasses pulp, black cumin cake, calcium carbonate, cinnamon bark powder (Cinnamomum verum), flaxseed (ground), thyme, cat's claw (Uncaria tomentosa), neem extract, fennel, ribwort plantain, evening primrose oil powder (gamma-linolenic acid), magnesium phosphate, natural vitamin B from buckwheat sprout powder, magnesium oxide, vitamin E (d-alpha-tocopherol), vitamin C (as ascorbic acid)

Recommended dosage

weight of the horse approx. 300 kg
  • 10 days ½ measuring cup

  • then 60 days ¼ measuring cup

weight of the horse approx. 650 kg
  • 10 days 1 measuring cup

  • then 20 days ½ measuring cup

Please observe a withdrawal period of 48 hours when administering (acc. to FN-ADMR). Recommendation: Refill the entire contents of the can. Close the can tightly after use.
Black Cumin
Primrose Oil
d-Alpha Tocopherol
Calcium Carbonate
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Cinnamon Bark
Flax Seed
other products


1200 g | pellets
Monocultures and depleted soils are the reason why there are fewer nutrients in hay and grass today than there were a few decades ago. As a result, it is no longer as easy to provide horses with sufficient nutrients. With BASIC CARE HorseÆ, every horse gets the basic supply of vitamins, nutrients and trace elements it needs.
€ 69,90


750 g | pellets
CORVITAL Horse® specifically supports the heart and blood circulation of horses and thus contributes to more vitality and well-being, especially during physical exertion and in the summer. With magnesium, valuable antioxidants and vitamins, it can compensate for deficiencies and promote a strong heart and blood circulation - for maximum quality of life and minimum impact on performance.
€ 84,30

COXAN Horse®

750 g | pellets
Joint diseases such as osteoarthritis are no longer a rarity in horses and can occur at a young age as a result of overgrowth, overuse or nutrient deficiency. COXAN Horse® combines essential cartilage and joint nutrients and thus supports the regeneration mechanisms to counteract progressive wear and tear.
€ 88,40


1200 g | powder
As a horse owner, you know that a horse spends most of the day eating. The gastrointestinal tract of horses therefore performs an enormous task every day and is at the same time very complex and highly sensitive. ENTEROGENIC Horse® can contribute to the healthy development of microorganisms and the stabilization of the intestinal flora as a supplement to normal feed.
€ 84,30


750 g | pellets
A smooth metabolism is the basis for a healthy orgamism of your horse. If the detoxification mechanisms are disrupted, this can have many consequences. With high-quality feed, fewer harmful substances are consumed, but the liver itself can also be supported in its activities in a natural way: with valuable phytochemicals, nutrients and minerals.
€ 75,90

IMUN Horse® "Para"

750 g | pellets
Especially in the summer months mosquitoes, flies, ticks and mites are regular uninvited guests in the stables. They are not only annoying for humans and animals, but can also be carriers of a variety of diseases. IMUN Horse® "Para"strengthens the horse's organism and immune system from the inside out and can thus reduce their occurrence.
€ 82,50

IMUN Horse® "Skin"

1200 g | pellets
A shiny coat, a beautiful mane and an even complexion are signs of vitality and health in horses. The shedding phase is a particular challenge for the horse's organism with a greatly increased nutrient requirement. In addition to regular coat care from the outside, IMUN Horse® "Skin" is the ideal supplement from the inside out.
€ 119,50


750 g | powder
Horses often react sensitively to stressful situations such as competitions, transportation or changing stables. Stress can make them nervous, jumpy, tense or unfocused. With SMOOTH Horse® you can help your horse to achieve more mental balance and equilibrium. With this nutrient mixture the animal can face challenges with more composure.
€ 89,90
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Find out what our customers say about us and why they choose us. We are proud of the positive feedback and would like to share their experiences.
agile & active
COXAN Dog ,before and after‘ provides bones, cartilage and joints with all the nutrients they need. Suitable for all breeds from puppy to senior age.
Coughing and other respiratory issues in horses: how to naturally support your horse’s airways
The fear of receiving a diagnosis of "heaves" is a major concern for many horse owners. This chronic respiratory disease, often accompanied by symptoms like coughing and shortness of breath, can significantly reduce a horse’s quality of life. But it’s not just heaves — other respiratory issues, such as bronchitis or recurring coughs, are also common in horses, particularly during the colder months or when there is poor air circulation in the stable. So, what can you do to keep your horse’s airways healthy and well-supported? And which natural remedies are particularly effective? In this post, you’ll learn how respiratory diseases develop in horses and how you can effectively support your horse’s airways.
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
Nikolaus Ludwig

With passion and dedication my team and I develop, produce and distribute exquisite effective micronutrient specialties, with natural pure raw materials, in premium quality for more than 30 years. Experience, competence and trust are three important cornerstones of my philosophy let’s make the world a better place® through NN Passion for Nutrition®!

As a family man, dog and horse owner, I have been intensively involved with complementary therapies since the beginning. My holistic research work always focuses on the needs of people and animals. From my beginning until today there is the irrepressible desire to do something for the benefit of humans and animals, their quality of life and health maintenance!

Your Nikolaus
review this product
5 out of 5 stars 11 reviews
Dämpfigkeit (19.09.2022 - Marianne)
Jedes Jahr wenn das Wetter umschlägt beginnt mein Warmblut zu husten. Von meiner Tierärztin habe ich IMUN Horse Resp von Orthovet bekommen und seither kann sie wieder frei durchatmen.
IMUN Horse Resp funktioniert (23.11.2021 - Armin H.)
Dieses Präparat aus Österreich möchte ich gerne jedem Pferdehalter empfehlen dessen Pferd hüstelt oder Dämpfigkeit entwickelt hat!
Dämpfikgeit (20.11.2021 - Günther)
Jedes Jahr kann ich mich auf IMUN Horse Resp verlassen! Kein Hüsteln kein schleimen mehr, bereits nach 2- 3 Tagen alles weg! Sehr gutes Präparat!
Kein Husten mehr (07.11.2021 - Gerald)
IMUN Horse Resp kann ich ruhigen Gewissens allen Pferdebesitzern empfehlen. Nach wenigen Tagen keine Dämpfigkeit mehr. Genial!
Husten bei meinem Pferd (03.11.2021 - Ulrike B.)
Innerhalb weniger Tage war die "Dämpfigkeit" wie weggeblasen. Kein Hüsteln oder Schleim mehr! Super Produkt! Dank IMUN Horse "Resp"!
Dämpfigkeit (22.10.2021 - Dorothea W.)
Liebes Nikolaus Nature Team, großen Dank von meiner Stute und mir für das genial funktionierende IMUN Horse Resp gegen Dämpfigkeit! Nach ein paar Tagen war Schluss mit husten und röcheln! Tolles Präparat!
Kein Hüsteln mehr, dank IMUN Horse Resp. (11.10.2021 - Anna N.)
IMUN Horse "Resp" hat mich und vor allem meine Stute komplett überzeugt. Das Hüsteln und Schleimen hat bereits nach wenigen Tagen aufgehört. Zuerst wurde der Auswurf stärker, nehme an das war wie eine Entgiftung, und dann konnte sie wieder ohne Röcheln voll durchatmen. Meine allerliebste Stute und ich danken NIKOLAUS NATURE für dieses spitzenmäßige Produkt!
Hustenfrei (02.10.2021 - Dominik P.)
Eines meiner Kutschenpferde ist monatelang ausgefallen, da es während dem Fahren ununterbrochen gehustet hat. Auch longieren usw. war nicht wirklich möglich. Mit Imun Horse Resp hat mein Haflinger komplett aufgehört zu husten und kann auch wieder fürs Kutschenfahren verwendet werden.
Super Produkt (27.09.2021 - A. Helczmanovszki )
Wallach leidet unter chronischer Bronchitis. Nach bereits einer Woche, rasche Besserung des Krankheitsverlaufs und kein Husten mehr.
Tolle Wirkung (27.09.2021 - Mag. Bruggraber)
Die 21-jährige Haflingerstute hat schon seit Jahren Probleme mit Dämpfigkeit und Husten. Sie hustet so viel, dass es unmöglich wurde sie vor der Kutsche zu verwenden. Nach regelmäßiger Einnahme der Imun Horse "Resp" Pellets fiel ihr das Atmen wieder leichter und der Husten hörte sie sogar komplett auf.
Super (25.09.2021 - Tina S.)
Mein Ponyhengst hustet endlich nicht mehr und hat auch keine Probleme mehr mit seiner Lunge, wie es mir vom Tierarzt bestätigt wurde. Auch das schwere atmen während dem Reiten ist weg.
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All prices quoted in EUR incl. statutory taxes but excl. shipping costs. Image rights: Adobe Stock, Nikolaus-Nature.com
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