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Ein guter Stoffwechsel ist für uns Menschen von großer Bedeutung. Mit unseren premium Produkten aus der Natur haben Sie die Möglichkeit Ihren Stoffwechsel effektiv und optimal zu unterstützen.

NN Detox special Kapseln

Out with the toxins! Chlorella, a genus of single-celled microalgae of a deep green color, contains 60 percent proteins.
€ 29,20

NN Curcuma plus Kapseln

My digestive juices. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is a plant species of the ginger family and is considered a powerful booster of the immune system.
€ 37,20

NN Cholest-Balancer® Kapseln

No more fatty blood. With the NN Cholest-Balancer® you have everything under control when the cholesterol levels go crazy. To assist in maintaining a positive blood cholesterol level. Contains the nutrients of red rice.
€ 49,90

NN Hepaguard Pro®

The liver is one of our mostimportant organs. Through itsmetabolism, it provides the bodywith vital nutrients and is alsoresponsible for the breakdown ofpollutants. Time to do somethinggood for the liver – with purelyplant-based nutrients.
€ 39,90

NN R-Alpha Liponsäure

Alpha lipoic acid is a sulfur-containing fatty acid that occurs naturally in the human body.
€ 65,40

NN Spermidin plus

Spermidin ist aktuell der Star in der der Nahrungsergänzung und der Langlebigkeitsforschung. Die Superkraft von Spermidin ist, die Autophagie anzuregen und so den natürlichen Jungbrunneneffekt im Körper zu aktivieren. Die Kapseln von Nikolaus Nature enthalten Spermidin aus natürlichen Quellen und gleichen die meist eher niedrige Aufnahme aus der Nahrung optimal aus.
€ 62,90

NN iron vegan

Tiredness, lack of concentration, dizziness or listlessness can be signs of iron deficiency. Often this cannot be adequately compensated for by diet alone. Iron supplementation then usually proves to be the best solution.
€ 39,00

NN Vitamin D3 + K2 MK7

Das Sonnenvitamin D3 und seine Funktionen für Immunsystem, Psyche und Knochen sind weitreichend bekannt. Weniger berühmt ist sein idealer Partner: das Vitamin K2. Es sorgt dafür, dass Calcium im Körper dorthin gelangt, wo es gebraucht wird: nämlich in Knochen und Zähnen. Vitamin D3 und K2 sind damit das perfekte Nährstoffduo, wenn es um die Knochengesundheit geht.
€ 22,90

NN N-Acetyl Komplex

N-Acetyl-L-Cystein (NAC) ist ein Antioxidans, das als verflüssigender Stoff zum leichteren Abhusten von Schleim aus den Bronchien seine Nährstoffkarriere startete. Mittlerweile weiß man, dass die direkte Vorstufe von Glutathion im Körper noch viele weitere wichtige Aufgaben übernimmt und einen wesentlichen Beitrag für die Zellen leistet.
€ 39,90

NN Selen Kapseln

Selenium is available in the human organism in various proteins and enzymes.
€ 16,90

NN Veinrefresher®

Wer berufsbedingt den ganzen Tag auf den Beinen verbringt, kennt es nur zu gut: müde und schwere Beine am Abend. Dieses Gefühl wird in den Sommermonaten durch die Hitze noch zusätzlich verstärkt. Hier kommen die Tomate und ihre Bedeutung für den Blutfluss ins Spiel: Nicht umsonst ist der Tomatensaft das am häufigsten konsumierte Getränk auf langen Flugreisen.
€ 57,30

NN Melliprotect® Kapseln

Elevated blood sugar levels to serious consequences such as diabetes mellitus are among the most common diseases in the population. More and more young people are already affected. The rich combination of natural nutrients can contribute to the prevention and support of diabetes.
€ 45,40

NN Kidspower® Kapseln - vormals Vits for Kids Kapseln

A power kid. Children’s organisms demand dietary regimes that are particularly rich in both variety and nutrients.
€ 29,90

NN Thyreo pusher® 90 Kps

The thyroid gland plays an important role in maintaining balance in the human body. However, it may be affected by over- or under-functioning, with far-reaching consequences. With NN Thyreo pusher® you can of course bring your thyroid back into balance.
€ 45,90

NN Vitamin B12 pro

Vitamin B12 contributes to normal functioning of the nervous system and normal energy-yielding metabolism -VEGAN-
€ 29,50

NN Vitamin K Kapseln

Vitamin K is fat-soluble and plays an important role in the formation of blood coagulation factors.
€ 28,60

NN Astaxanthin Kapseln

Astaxanthin is one of the most powerful antioxidants we know.
€ 47,40

NN Kaliumcitrat

Everything a muscle desires. Potassium is one of the most important minerals and accounts for five percent of the body’s entire mineral metabolism.
€ 23,90

NN Basenpulver natriumfrei 200g

Are you off-balance? Over-acidification throws the body off-balance and has a negative effect on metabolism.
€ 23,80

NN Schlafspray special

Good night, sleep tight, and have a rest. Produced in the thyroid, the hormone melatonin is an important aid to restful sleep.
€ 29,90

NN Weihrauch Kapseln

Frankincense (also known as olibanum) is obtained from the resin of trees of the genus Boswellia serrata native to North Africa and the Middle East.
€ 36,40

NN Omega 3 Kapseln

Keeping vessels smooth! The body needs lipids (blood fats) to supply energy.
€ 39,90

NN Nopal-Zimt Kapseln

For centuries, the Nopal cactus or prickly pear cactus has been held in high esteem as a medicinal plant in Mexico.
€ 37,90

NN NeuroVital Kapseln

The water-soluble vitamins of the B group are needed in the human organism for a multitude of biochemical reactions.
€ 23,90

NN NADH+ Kapseln

Food for brain cells. NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride) or Coenzyme 1 is involved in some 1,000 metabolic processes in the body every day
€ 69,90

NN MSM Kapseln

Methylsulphonylmethane (MSM), a substance belonging to the group of sulphones (inorganic sulphur compounds), also supplies the joints with micronutrients.
€ 33,20

NN Mineralstoff Kapseln

The circulation of minerals! Minerals are inorganic nutrients.
€ 34,40

NN Skinrefresher

Such a nice tissue. Collagen is a structural protein that accounts for about 30 percent of the protein content in the human body.
€ 49,50

NN Magnesium Komplex Kapseln

Muscle cramps are a thing of the past! Magnesium both restores power and is the strongest relaxation mineral available.
€ 33,90

NN Motion® Prevent 120 Kapseln

"Providing" is better for the future. Boswellic acid, an inhibitor of the type 5-lipoxygenase
€ 59,90

NN Magnesiumcitrat Kapseln

Sports without cramps. The significance of magnesium is above all based on the fact that this is the mineral that our body is lacking the most.
€ 29,00

NN Korallencalcium Pulver

Keep your body alkaline! Vitamins and valuable minerals are required for all physiological functions.
€ 27,00

NN Korallencalcium Kapseln

Keep your body alkaline! Vitamins and valuable minerals are required for all physiological functions.
€ 38,30

NN Ginkgo biloba Kapseln

Blood flow in the brain. Ginkgo biloba, also known as the maidenhair tree, is mainly native to East Asian countries.
€ 24,90

NN Feelwell Kapseln

We all hope to be able to retain strong memory and recall performance, as well as the ability to concentrate, right through into old age.
€ 49,50

NN Enzym Komplex Kapseln

Breaking up my food into tiny particles. Enzymes are involved in every metabolic reaction in the human organism.
€ 46,90

NN Darm Kapseln

Beautifully digested. Functioning digestion is essential for our immunity and well-being.
€ 49,90

NN Cordyceps plus Kapseln

Greater appetite for reproduction. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Cordyceps fungus is used in many areas.
€ 36,30

NN Coenzym Q10 100mg Plus Kapseln

The life-long power plant! Large quantities of the Q10 molecule are available in virtually every cell of the body
€ 59,90

NN Coenzym Q10 30mg Kapseln

The life-long power plant! Large quantities of the Q10 molecule are available in virtually every cell of the body
€ 58,70

NN Calciumascorbat Pulver

Ausreichend Vitamin C ist enorm wichtig für den menschlichen Körper. Viele Menschen reagieren aber mit Magen- und Darmbeschwerden auf die Einnahme von reiner Ascorbinsäure. Mit einer kleinen Anpassung – nämlich die Kombination mit Calcium – wird Vitamin C sehr viel magenfreundlicher und besser verdaulich. Außerdem ist NN Calciumascorbat besser bioverfügbar.
€ 39,90

NN Aminomap Kapseln

Essential amino acids are indispensable building blocks of proteins.
€ 59,90

NN Aminosäuren Komplex Kapseln

Twenty proteinogenic amino acids are embedded in our genetic code; they are also called the essential building blocks of life.
€ 29,90

NN Vitamin D3 2500 I.E. Tropfen

Sun Vitamin D3 fulfills a number of important functions in our body: for example, it contributes to the building up of bone matter and to the immune power. In most cases, however, it is not possible to provide enough food, which is why a supplement to the diet may be useful – especially in the winter months.
€ 22,80

NN Vitamin D3 600 I.E. Tropfen

Vitamin D, also known as the “sun hormone”, is a hormone-like vitamin that is found in many major connecting points in the human organism
€ 15,90

NN Zink Kapseln

The multi-talented trace element zinc is found as a metallic component in over 200 enzymes
€ 18,90

NN Schwarzkümmelöl Kapseln

For the sake of your irritated skin. A number of studies confirm the various natural benefits of black cumin oil for our skin.
€ 36,30

NN OPC + Acerola Kapseln

The vitamin booster! Oligomeric proanthocyanidins - also known as OPC - are a subgroup of polyphenols called catechin tannins.
€ 38,40

NN Ester C plus Kapseln

Vitamin C has important functions in the body: it contributes to a healthy immune system, helps build up connective tissue, strengthens and protects blood vessels and supports the liver in detoxification. Estered vitamin C is particularly well tolerated. NN Ester C plus contains vitamin C in a delayed form.
€ 39,90

NN Eisen II Kapseln

Iron for the human body. Iron is the most common essential trace element in the human organism.
€ 49,90
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